
Registration Form:

Which Sessions:

7 + 6 =

Conference Fees

(In LYD)
100 LYD for presenting a paper, 50 LYD for regular attendance & 25 LYD for each workshop attended.

*Please note that the paid registration fee cannot be refunded if you cannot participate in the conference.

*To avoid delays in registration, please read the entire form carefully. Please submit one form for each participant.

Registration fee includes

  1. Conference Attendance.
  2. Certificate of presentation.
  3. Conference kits.
  4. Conference bag.
  5. Lunch box.
  6. Coffee breaks.

Payment Terms

You can pay at the Libyan International Medical University at the time of registration. For those outside Benghazi, they may pay on arrival to Benghazi. Registration will be considered final only after receiving the payment.